Monday, February 28, 2011

Picture Perfect

Recently I made a post on my Twitter page that read "The Perfect man for you is not perfect". I had a few people comment as if that was a no brainer, yet they didn't have a man, or mate.  For those who are not seeking a mate, this is not for you. However, if you  have thoroughly enjoyed time with yourself and doing you 24/7, but now desire companionship, lean in closely.
Chances are you have already met him. Now before you twist your face in several knots while rolling your eyes consider this. Every man you meet is basically a sample of the man you eventually will be with. All the best parts of every man you've ever will be present in the one you choose to spend forever with. That's the good news! In other news all the stuff they did that really sent you to the edge will be present too. Obviously I'm not talking about betrayal, or cheating but I am speaking about him doing things that gross you out, not calling you at 9:00 on the dot or whatever little things that kinda bug you.
In my case my husband is to damn goofy! I should have traction as many times a day that I shake my head in disbelief of his latest comment. All while we were dating I always seemed to say that about him. I mean he's one of the most responsible people I know, but this man has got some kind of thought process.

Recently, he went to the grocery store, mind you he bugged me to write him out a list of things we needed. I obliged, since I was not in the mood to go myself. An Hour later he returns with only 2 of the 15 things on the list. Everything else was a substitute for what I actually asked for. He was told me the store was out of a lot, so instead of not getting anything he got me the closest thing to it. Now anyone who knows me  knows when I ask for a specific brand of something like Hillshire Farm Beef hot Polish links, it's usually because that's the kind I like...DUH otherwise I would have said just get some sausage.  But not my beloved, he got some random beef sausage because he just wanted to get me something. Under my breath I wanted to scream, he had just spent $50.00 on items we didn't need, or that I didn't like, and then followed with "Well, I'm going back on Tuesday". Great, so we can spend another $50.00 getting what was actually on the  list.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mind over Matter, or Mind = Matter

This morning I was watching the Today Show. They were explaining how the mind works and how magnificent the brain is. We all know this in theory, but here's a little tid bit that might have you changing your thoughts on thinking.
In the human brain there are 100 billion neurons that send signals or information to the body to control their actions, this is the same amount of stars in the galaxy. Now, it could just be that my mystical thought process  that says there is a connection here, but consider this, if every physical thing that is on the planet is a manifestation of a preceding idea, or thought, than  could what we physically see or experience in our lives be a direct outcome of an underlying or even conscience thought?
How many times have you blurted something out, and then bam, it happens or appears?
For me I can say this. If I have thought it, dreamt it, or spoke it. It appears. Sooner or Later.
Here's hoping that Range Rover is up next!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How do I Look

I'm always amazed at how people perceive me. Everyone is always excited when I tell them that I have my own clothing boutique.  Most people respond like "wow", or "Man, I wish had my own business". As if it's all glamourous and good times.
Let me tell you. Yes, it is a true blessing that I am able to have a business. I am so grateful that I can do what I love as a means to earn income. I haven't wanted to change it yet.
What people don't think about are all the long days you spend putting everything you have into your business, and all the long nights you spend worrying when things are not quite going right. They are not aware of the strain it can put on your patience, relationships, and not to mention finances.  When things are good, you can pat yourself on the back, and when things are less than favorable, you tend to beat yourself up.  Through it all I always encourage people to follow their dreams, and if it is to own your own business be ready for the prior mentioned issues, take deep breaths, and stay focused.  I guess the real success is when others look to you for inspiration because you make it "Look Easy"


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Technology is great when

it WORKS! What the hell, I just lost my entire previous blog. I went to make some changes to it, and before I knew it, I had changed it alright. It went from working to non existence in one click. Of course there is no way for me to get it back, because I 'm not a computer hacker, or  computer techie  that can find this stuff by typing keys really fast like in the movies.
Anyhoo, this rant is fueled by the fact that it's 11:30pm and another 4 inches of snow arrived today. Looks like the Groundhog is WRONG again!
Oh well another episode of the Golden Girls is on. Laughing before sleep, that's a good thing
Sleep tight.
Sincerely, Sonja