Friday, September 23, 2011

Distraction vs. Determination

The more I  hone in on what I want to do going forward, the more it seems I'm dragging my feet.  I was so inspired last week to start making regular entries rather it be on paper or on this blog. I had a couple of lines ready to add to my manuscript as well.  All I needed to do was finish up on some last minute ordering for the boutique and I'd be free to start these wonderful projects. Then, we started closing on our home (distraction). My email marketing service was acting a fool (distraction), and I formally announce that I am addicted to Words with Friends game on Facebook ( up til 12am distraction). So now, not only have I not been productive with what I deemed important, I'm beating myself up mentally, which is a defeating state of mind as well. Well enough of that! I think one of the worst things a person can do is wallow in pity. Whether it's others' or your own.  It's  great to be reflective and acknowledge a problem, but that's just a first step. Every breath of life after that is an opportunity to act.

This post is my action. How are you acting on your desires?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

You shop Where?

I got instantly giddy when I came across these "Must Have" shoes for fall

The ankle boots just scream "FALL" with the fuzzy sweater- like fabric. Plus the gold heel is just the right amount of sparkle to keep these from looking like the typical sasquatch boots I normally see during the winter months. The leather platform shoe needs no explanation: Haute!
Both of these pairs are priced under $80.00 each, and more surprising to the label whores of fashion, both shoes arepart of the "Gold Collection" by Christian Siriano for Payless.
 Now I know a few of you may be raising your nose at the thought of being seen at a store like payless,but why? If you see something you like, and it's of good quality why wouldn't you buy it? I couldn't care less about what "they" say because at the end of the day "They" don't pay my bills or wlk in my shoes :)   And like their motto says..."Why pay more , when you can Payless?"

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Panty Raid

So my husband hates the fact that I wear real panties. By Real, I mean  panties that actually do something like: cover my ass cheeks, have a crotch to well blanket the "goods" ect.
  Why don't people understand that contrary to popular belief the "Thong" is strickly  for laying across the bed as a presentation  to your man. Not for everyday all day use.  Can you say Monistat?
But I digress.
Thursday, I got hold of some info, so I'm passing it on: Victorias Secret has 7 panties for $25  and this includes their PINK Collection. I personally like the  cotton bikinis by VS and the hipsters by PINK. Caution: If you get the PINK collection be prepared to go up a size. I'm a Med. in the regular VS collections, but a Lrg. in the PINK collection ( yes things have spread just a bit lol)

 I got mines, and now I have a few more real panties. And for him, some "presentation" ones as well.

Sale Going on September 1 and runs through Monday, September 5, 2011.