Saturday, October 15, 2011

I've been Robbed!

Well, while I've  been  contemplating my next move professionally, the universe came through on what is finally, my FINAL move with my home life. My husband has finally gotten his dream position which happens to move us only about an hour and a half from family and friends.   Last week while hosting a very Fun and Fabulous Ladies night at my boutique The Little Blaque Dress in St. Louis, I received a call from the husband. As I was yet again listening to my Watch the Throne CD  it only took him uttering  two words that  changed my life.
 "Start Packing"! I felt like Ralphie the little boy in The Christmas Story movie when he finally got his bee bee gun on Christmas Day.  I literally did what can be only explained as that yelp our white friends do when they become enthused. Or as my great grandmother would explain as the "Call to clan up", which would explain why you very rarely to never hear black people articulate in that manner. But at that moment, me driving down Hwy. 40 after much needed retail therapy, and  80 degrees  October weather, it was bound to happen. And it was Awesome!!
 Being the type of woman who likes to think, and plan every possible scenario of a situation is an excellent trait to have, however when you are doing this based on an underlying fear that you may not be prepared for a particular outcome, instead of knowing that regardless it's all in purpose, you rob yourself  the feeling of excitement or spontaneity.  This doesn't leave a lot, in terms of enjoyment of your life. So I'm going to make it a point to experience  more excitement, and spontaneity, and enjoy the emotion.  What are your traits that  rob you of enjoyment in your  life?

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